Skin Cleansing Top 5 Practical Yet Simple Tips

Skin Cleansing Top 5 Practical Yet Simple Tips

Our weekdays are busy; weekends are busier! We mostly find ourselves racing against time. We cannot forget attention to our skin. Today's discussion will focus on the top 5 practical yet simple skin cleansing tips.

This post will also answer several commonly asked questions:

1)How do I cleanse my skin?
2)What is the best cleanser for my skin?
3)What should I look for in a skin cleanser or face wash?
4)How can I clean my skin naturally?
5)How to thoroughly cleanse skin?
6)What is the best face cleanser?
7)Are skin cleansers good for your skin?

1) Skin cleansing twice daily.

Our skin is constantly remodeling. The skin lays collagen-building blocks during the resting period (A.K.A. sleep), and old skin cells are shedding during this time. Excess sebum collects over the skin cells at night. Therefore, before beginning the day, skin cleansing is essential to remove the overnight shedding. 

Our skin is fighting against various environmental factors (heat, cold, sunlight, pollution, etc.) and accumulates dirt, grime, debris, and some more dead cells. Suppose these impurities stay over the skin for a long time, clogged pores, and interrupt the skin's barrier function. Before the skin begins necessary repairing during our sleep, removing these unwanted substances from the skin is vital.

We recommend skin cleansing twice daily, once in the morning and before bedtime.

2) Avoid long hot showers.

We all love hot showers, especially during the winter, and we also like to take a shower for a long time, don't we?

One may ask- Does hot water cause itchy skin? Why do I feel itchy after a shower? Why do I get a rash every time I take a shower?

A prolonged shower and hot water will strip the skin of its natural protectants (oils) and leave the skin dry. Dry skin will easily breakdown and open the skin barrier. An open skin barrier will cause nerves to get irritated; this irritation manifests as an itching sensation. Scratching on the irritated skin acts as an entry point for fungi, bacteria, and viruses into the skin. 

Using hot water for a shower suddenly increases the skin's local temperature, and our body attempts to correct it by sending more blood in that area; this causes redness.

Solution: Keep showers short, use high-quality soap, and use lukewarm water.

3) Pat dry your skin rather than scrubbing it hard with your towel. 

Skin requires tender loving care. Ideal exfoliation removes the most superficial layer of the skin. Hard and repeated rubbing of any scrub will injure the younger, budding cells. The youthful skin cells give you that great look, but you end up damaging them by friction!

The best exfoliation is the gentle one.

4) How do I clean the skin and nose folds?

Skin folds are areas where the skin is lax and folding. The skin folds allow more significant movement of underlying organs and add flexibility to joints. Examples of skin folds in our body are eyelids, back of the ears, neck, underarms, breast, back, groin, and folds over all the joints. 

Due to the presence of higher temperature and moisture, fungi love to grow in these folds. Keeping the skin folds clean is essential to avoid skin infection and damage. One may spend double the time cleansing a skin fold than the skin over the rest of the body. 

Be sure to dry skin folds entirely at the end of cleansing. Apply a natural moisturizer in these areas; it should not be sticky or greasy.

5) Water, Water, Water

An average adult should consume 2.7 to 3.7-liter of water(up to 130 oz as per R.D.I.- Recommended Dietary Intake) daily. Water requirement fluctuates with the activity of our body and the season of the year. Summers and strenuous exercise (hiking in summer) may require more water than a walk on a cold winter day. 

What does water do for my skin?

Seventy percent (70%) of our body is water. Water helps skin cells stay moist and hydrated. Adequate moisture and hydration promote skin elasticity and helps skin look younger for a long time. 

How do I know if I am drinking enough water? 

Simple. Check the color of your urine! 

A well-hydrated body will discard excess water, and the color of urine will be clear to light yellow. A darker color means you need more water.

Q & A Time!

1)How do I cleanse my skin?

Perform skin cleansing twice daily. Use a natural, pH-balanced, gentle cleanser. Use lukewarm water. Rub gently. Pat dry the skin. Pay special attention while cleansing skin folds.

2)What is the best cleanser for my skin? How to thoroughly cleanse my skin?

Use a natural, pH-balanced, gentle cleanser or natural soap. Use lukewarm water to moisten the skin before applying the cleanser and remove the soap or cleanser after gently rubbing. Skin cleansing is that easy!

3)What should I look for in a skin cleanser or face wash? How can I clean my skin naturally? What is the best face cleanser?

Check the back panel of the bottle or package for ingredients. Look for familiar names; avoid synthetic cleansers. Serene Face Cleanser TM is an example of a natural, gentle, pH-balanced cleanser. For the skin of the body, use Organic, plant-based shower gel.

4)Are skin cleansers good for your skin?

For effective skin cleansing, you will need a cleanser to bind sebum, dirt, grime, and unwanted oils and remove them from your skin. Using just water will not do the job. 

Again, use a natural, pH-balanced, gentle cleanser or natural soap. If you notice skin irritation, excessive dryness, or rash, reduce the amount or change the product.

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